Ambe J. Photography Studio

How to not f*ck up your hand painted canvas!

So, just like many photographers out there, I enjoy a sensible classic portrait with an Oliphant-style backdrop!  Alas, there always that money issue that gets in the way of what I want. After reading numerous DIY blogs, over and over and over again, I figured I had enough “pinterest” confidence to leave the house and walk to the art supply store. 


1. 84” x 3 yard canvas. 

2. 32fl oz of Gesso paint.

3. 3 (500ml) bottles of Acrylic for the base. 2 (120 ml) of Acrylic for texture.

4. Paint roller with extender. Srsly. You’ll need it. 

5. 2 Drop cloth plastic.

6. Duct tape (pink. cuz duh.)

7. A positive attitude. 

The entire purchase came out to about $140, so I was pleased. 


1. Tape the floor with plastic. It keeps everything, including you, from sliding around. 

2. Tape the canvas with on top of the plastic. This will allow you to paint freely without the worry of wrinkles. My canvas was a little wrinkled, but by the time you drench it in paint, it will stretch out. I felt it wasn’t necessary to steam or iron. 

3. Water down your Gesso to prime your canvas. I’m cheap and lazy and didn’t want to walk ALLLL the way to the store again, so water it down and keep it moving. I read somewhere 40% gesso and 60% water, but I don’t know. I didn’t measure. 

4. Once it’s dried, start painting your base coat. That’s the fun part, because there’s no pressure that you’ll eff everything up! Super simple. 

5. Do it again! 

6. Let it dry. I waited overnight, because I had to go dancing that evening. Obvi.

7. Ok, now this is the nerve wracking part. But, trust me, you’ve got this! Or not. I created some concoction of different colors until I came up with something I liked as a “base texture coat.” I painted in sections so I could get to the middle of my canvas, since it’s pretty large and, unfortunately, don’t have robot arms. I then created another concoction of lighter colors, as my “top texture coat.” I didn’t think to take photos of this exact process, because I was soy inspired. I literally just painted the base texture coat with the paint roller, and then used a sea sponge to paint the top texture coat in a swirling motion. While both were wet I used a sponge brush to blend the two. Creating the smokey “look.”

8. Repeat until completion. Your MOM! heh. 

9. Let her dry. Take selfies while you wait. Humble brag on various social media platforms. 

10. Remove tape, hang on your backdrop stand, and look fabulous! Make sure to keep all of the paint you’ve accrued on your body as a statement. You’re a true artist now! 

That’s it! It really wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be, but definitely be smart about color choices and don’t over think it. That’s all! 

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