Ambe J. Photography Studio

107”x 12 yard foot Seamless Paper Backdrop Storage

How To Get Your 9 Foot Savage Seamless Rolls Off The Floor And On The Wall For Cheap. 

What you’ll need:

1      Stud Finder or DIY magnet stud finder

2      2x4x8 wood boards

16    Shelf Brackets

 8     4-5” screws (ask for assistance at your local hardware store)

 1     Box of Phillips (8x3/4) flat sheet metal screws

 1      Drill with phillips bit and drill bit
Total Cost: $54.00

1. Find stud in wall. Check this incredible video to make your own (and free) magnet stud finder. The blue plastic object is actually two magnets with fishing wire.  

I used blue painters tape to mark the nails in the studs, so I wouldn’t accidentally drill into a nail. 

2. Bring home your raw 2x4x8 wooden boards. I got them cut to 7 feet
to fit the dimensions to my storage room. Maybe I’ll stain them, maybe
not. #lazyDIY.  Then attach the shelf brackets to the board.  Correction:
Have your husband attach the shelf brackets to the boards. I could’ve
done this task, but he was excited to do it, so let him have his joy.

3. Get those boards up on the wall and mark where each hole needs to be placed. The blue painters tape will definitely come in handy so you know where the nails are in the studs. Once you’ve marked each spot on the board, use the drill bit to make a pre-hole so your screw can easily insert in the wooden board.

4. Ta-da! You’re all done! Text all your besties and boomerang on IG like an idiot! Enjoy all the attention on social media!

But, really, I’ve been wanting to do this project for a while now, so I truly feel accomplished! There wasn’t much online about large backdrop storage, so I hope this helps for those who are looking to store their 9 footers in a simple and attractive way. Good luck!

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